Doutor coffee shop is a coffee shop chain in Japan.
We can enjoy coffee and snacks at a reasonable price there.
Today I went to the coffee shop to have lunch and ate a Milanese Sandwich with beef stewed in red wine.
It was so delicious!
どとーるこーひーしょっぷは にほんの こーひーしょっぷちぇーんです。
おてごろな かかくで こーひーや けいしょくを たのしむ ことが できます。
きょう、 わたしは けいしょくを たべるために どとーるこーひーに いきました。 そして、 ぎゅうにくの あかわいんにこみの みらのふうさんどうぃっちを たべました。
とても おいしかったです!
Oimo's English Diary for Japanese Learners!
Taking Care of My Teeth /歯のお手入れ
Every morning I brush my teeth after having breakfast at home.
And sometimes at the office building where I worked at, I brush my teeth on the toilet after lunch.
I also brush my teeth after having supper every evening.
I also use dental floss to remove plaque from a gap between two teeth these days.
Lastly, I finish by rinsing my mouth with mouthwash.
If I find a new tooth decay, I'll not believe in such kind of measures any more!
ぼくは まいにちの ちょうしょくごに いえで はを みがきます。
そして、 ちゅうしょくごは ときどき しょくばの びるの といれで はを みがきます。
それから、 まいにち ゆうしょくごに はを みがきます。
さいきんでは、 しかんの しこうを とりのぞくために でんたるふろすを つかっています。
さいごに せんこうえきを つかって はの ていれを おえます。
もし あたらしい むしばが みつかったら、 そういう しょちは もはや なにも しんじられないよ!
And sometimes at the office building where I worked at, I brush my teeth on the toilet after lunch.
I also brush my teeth after having supper every evening.
I also use dental floss to remove plaque from a gap between two teeth these days.
Lastly, I finish by rinsing my mouth with mouthwash.
If I find a new tooth decay, I'll not believe in such kind of measures any more!
ぼくは まいにちの ちょうしょくごに いえで はを みがきます。
そして、 ちゅうしょくごは ときどき しょくばの びるの といれで はを みがきます。
それから、 まいにち ゆうしょくごに はを みがきます。
さいきんでは、 しかんの しこうを とりのぞくために でんたるふろすを つかっています。
さいごに せんこうえきを つかって はの ていれを おえます。
もし あたらしい むしばが みつかったら、 そういう しょちは もはや なにも しんじられないよ!
Delivery Buddhist Monk/お坊さん便
Amazon has started a unique service of delivery Buddhist monks.
Actually, the service is provided by their business partner.
We can order the service at a fixed price via Amazon.
We Japanese call a buddhist monk to our homes or visit a temple to ask a monk to read a sutra when we mourn for someone who has died. At that time, we have to pay some money to the monk as a token of gratitude or to the principle deity of the temple as an offering. The amount of money is not fixed clearly, so we tend to be a little bit concerned about it.
A good aspect of the service provided by Amazon is to be fixed the price, so we don't have to worry about that.
However, I wonder what everyone will think of the service.
Gathering Cats / ねこあつめ
I like a game called Neko-atsume. Neko-atsume is a game application for smart phones. Various cats will come a little while after you set out food and goods in a field. They play with balls and relax on a cushions. I can take pictures of them. After playing for a while, they disappear, leaving behind small dried sandines called Niboshi as a token of their gratitude. I can use Niboshi for purchasing goods. Although I can also get Niboshi by spending money, I can enjoy the game enough without doing that. It is an endless game but the loose situation is also attractive. :D
わたしは ねこあつめという ゲームが すきです。
ねこあつめは スマホで あそべる ゲームアプリです。フィールドがめんに えさや ぐっずを はいちして、 しばらく ほうっておくと ねこが きています。
ぼーるで あそんだり、 くっしょんで くつろいだり しており、 その しゃしんを とることが できます。
しばらく あそぶと いなくなって しまいますが、 おれいに にぼしを おいていきます。 にぼしは ぐっずの こうにゅうに つかう ことが できます。 かきんして にぼしを てに いれる ことも できますが、 かきんしなくても、 タダで じゅうぶん たのしむ ことが できます。 おわりの ない ゲームですが、 その ゆるさも また みりょくてきです。
Snowy Mountain (谷川岳)
I had training in how to use equipments for snowy mountains there, for example, an ice axe and crampons, because I'm just an amateur in mountaineering of snowy mountains. I also practiced how to stop sliding down by using an ice axe.
I saw a surface avalanche during the mountain climbing, the roaring sound was a little bit scary.
I was satisfied with the mountaineering very much though I couldn't reach the summit of the mountain!
きのう、わたしは ゆきやまに いきました。
ゆきやまとざんでは、 ずぶの しろうとなので、 ぴっけるや あいぜんと いった ゆきやまそうびの つかいかたを そこで れんしゅうしました。
わたしは、 ぴっけるを つかった かつらくていしの れんしゅうも しました。
とざんちゅう、 ひょうそうなだれを みました。 ごうおんが すこしだけ こわかったです。
ぴーくはんとは できませんでしたが、 だいまんぞくの さんこうでした!
Amakazari-yama!(雨飾山!)(32nd challenge to 100 mountains)
Three holidays in a row in Japan, but the weather forecast said it would rain in the second day. So in the last day which the weather would be fine, I and my wife decided to go to a mountain where we could reach the top within a day. This time, we wanted to choose a hard mountain because we would be with our teacher of mountaineering, but we thought that choosing high mountains like Japanese Alps was high-risk, so we chose easier one.
We searched a mountain with a camping site near the entrance, where we could stay there the night before. Then we picked up Yakushi-dake(薬師岳) and Amakazari-yama(雨飾山) . Finally, we chose Amakazari-yama because the hight is lower and the weather seemed finer than Yakushi-dake. This mountaineering would be 32nd successful ascent of the one hundred distinguished mountains in Japan.
The night before, we arrived at the camping site. After the rain, we pitched our tent and started drinking party in a log cabin there.
There were not crowded so I felt comfortable.
Nest morning, we started mountaineering from the entrance. It was fine in the morning.
Wet red leaves were very beautiful under the sunlight after raining.

After going up in the mountain path, we came across beautiful scene. It was the collaboration of red leaves and a rocky track.
Then, we went up in the steep trail, and after that, reached Sasa-daira(笹平). It's so-called flat place with bamboo grass.We could see the top of Amakazari-yama from Sasa-daira! The shape of the mountain was like a bowl. And we could see the Japan sea from there. So impressed because we hardly have chances to see the Japan sea. And rice fields in Itoigawa-city were brilliant under the sunlight.
We finally reached the top! There were a lot of people there. I ate a cupped noodle, then started to go down from the top.
We searched a mountain with a camping site near the entrance, where we could stay there the night before. Then we picked up Yakushi-dake(薬師岳) and Amakazari-yama(雨飾山) . Finally, we chose Amakazari-yama because the hight is lower and the weather seemed finer than Yakushi-dake. This mountaineering would be 32nd successful ascent of the one hundred distinguished mountains in Japan.
The night before, we arrived at the camping site. After the rain, we pitched our tent and started drinking party in a log cabin there.
There were not crowded so I felt comfortable.
Nest morning, we started mountaineering from the entrance. It was fine in the morning.
Wet red leaves were very beautiful under the sunlight after raining.
After going up in the mountain path, we came across beautiful scene. It was the collaboration of red leaves and a rocky track.
We finally reached the top! There were a lot of people there. I ate a cupped noodle, then started to go down from the top.
Brilliant white sand! Hoh-oh san-zan! (31st challenge to 100 mountains)
As 31st chalenge to 100 mountains, we went to Hoh-oh san-zan aimed at enjoying autumn leaves with a tent for camping.
Hoh-oh san-zan consists of three mountains, Yakushi-dake, Hoh-oh-san and Jizo-dake.
The route was from yashajin-touge (夜叉神峠)to hirogawara (広河原) via the peaks of Hoh-oh san-zan.
I was very impressed by things as bellow.
- South Alps natural mineral water gushing out near Minami-mimuro goya (南御室小屋)
- Beauty of white sand and autumn leaves under clear blue sky
- Magnificent view of Shirane-san-zan, composed of Kita-dake, Aino-dake and Noh-tori-dake (白根三山(北岳、間ノ岳、農鳥岳)
- Scenery of Fuji-san like one piece of a picture
- Yakushi-dake-koya with a homely atmosphere
- Pleasant walking along the mountain ridge of Hoh-oh san-zan
- Statues of Buddhism at Jizo-dake
- Huge rock on the top of Jizo-dake called an obelisk
- Going down a steep slope
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